virtuous ways and the joys of life,^ were given out by us
to them.

"Then as the wheel of time rolled further onwards, and
deeper degeneration came, and men began ever to step beyond
the bounds set for them, and gave way more and more to
greed and lust, there came on them inclemencies of weather,
sufferings from heat and cold» rivalry and wars and the
subjection of man to man, and the artifice of wealth and
property, with its inseparable consequence of poverty, and
distinctions of rich and poor arose, and penal laws and punish-
ments followed, and sovereigns found it more and more
impossible to rule their peoples without engaging in wars with
other monarchs. And great despondency and weariness came
on these kings, and they were like to fall in their great work
of government. Then we, the "Rshis appointed for this
purpose, first unfolded unto them these stores of knowledge,
teaching themBto understand the nature and the end of all
creation, and see their duties and discharge gthem with the
clear eye and strong heart of true insight. And, for the
Science was first given to kings, it has come down under the
name of Raja-vidya, Raja-guhya, Science of Kings and King
of Sciences, the Royal Secret Doctrine. Thou too shalt learn
it, and thereby fit thyself for thy great duties.

Who may A.sJe and who may Answer

"Limited is the Vairagya that is born of special cause.
Rajasa is it. A touch of pain breeding dislike of that which
gave the touch is lost in the next following touch of pleasure.
But thine is the unlimited Vairagya that is born without
apparent outer cause, born of the inner sight that makes
discrimination between the Fleeting and the Never-Changing,