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one alone of them completely—for service of the one, if well
performed, becomes the service of the others too—he can have
those gates opened to him.

^And he who has already passed these gates and made
acquaintance with the Resident within, he is the person fit
to guide others to that Home of Peace.

^'Worthy art thou to ask, and I willjanswer. The way
is the Ancient Way of Rational Intelligence. Walk it with
me untiringly. None may transcend it. Reason in its fullness
is the guide of all life. It includes all seeing."

Attainment of True .Knowledge

"Believe, 0 Prince !, that such high knowledge is, and
that untiring search by ever stronger thought will bring to
it. Were it not so, how many great and good men had
succumbed to care and sought surcease of agony in suicide.
That they did not succumb is proof that they did find
the Remedy for their mental illness. Reflection shows the
way to cure all pains. Let none think lightly then of
such Reflection. The men who served Vichara faithfully
received from it the gift of that true insight which enabled
them to look on all the ever passing Process of the World,
its loves and hates, its laughter and its tears, its ecstasies
and anguish, with an equal mind, cool, feverless, at peace
with all. They have viewed this process as a vast Drama
wherein the one single actor, Self, becoming the countless
players, and the scenes as well, lands, seas and forests^
endlessly rehearses, for his own Pastime, all possible
experiences of pain and pleasure. They who have not yet
found the secret of this View shall suffer till they find it
But when they find it, then shall this journey through Samsara