THE yUAJLiriOAllUJNS .PU.R. ^^JUX v .c-JXAn ^.c. ^/^

very beasts cease from their mutual struggles in his presence,
And men take greater joy to see him than they do to see
whatever else is dearer to them even than their lives, and they
approve with welcome whatsoever he does with quiet, undated,
unaggressive mind,

He who suffers not from violent elation or depression of
the mind, he is the Shanta (Peaceful). He who looks with
equal eye on all, and grasps not eagerly nor violently flings
away anything, he is the Shanta. He who touches all affairs
with an intelligence refined and pure, and ever seeks the good
of all and shrinks from causing pain, he is the Shanta. He
who does with wakefulness the duty of his life externally, but
ever slumbers dreamlessly within, he is the Shanta. He whose
mind maintains a calm unruffled, through feast and revel as
through war and death ; who yields not place in his mind for
a moment to a mean wish even in dire misfortune, even in
world-cataclysms, whose mind is ever stainless as Akasha-
Space is, although it holds all worlds, he is the Shanta.

^The mind of such a one evolves and radiates around
peace from within itself as the stars radiate light. In such a
one the Supreme Essence manifests Itself of its own gladness.
^Santosha, deep contentment, is but the fuller and more

positive form of Shama.

"Then, purified in mind with Quiet and Contentment,
enter thou, 0 Prince !, on the enquiry into the nature of
That which will explain all else ; on the Vichara(1) to which
thou hast thyself already in thy questionings given form,


THIS?'To know the true Nature of the'I'and of the'This';

to know that, and how, and why, the latter is ever rising
and subsiding within the former ; is to know All and to find

(1) Etymologioally, the word means 'exploration;' 'going to
and fro', enquiry, reflection, pondering, looking before and after, thinking,