the Devas and the Daityas(1); and again the clash of a
hundred comets hurtling together. At times they went
through space glowing with quenchless heat; again through
parts freezing as mounts of snow.

Passing thus through many scenes of marvel, seeing
many worlds with many forms, they came finally to successive
enwrapping shells of earth and water, fire and ether, each
ten times as large as the preceding, and through them passed
beyond the limits of that Brahmanda^2).

Then they came to another world passing through similar
enwrapping shells, in the reverse order (etherosphere, atmos-
phere, photosphere or igni-sphere, and hydrosphere), and
lighted on the earth that was in the mind of SarasvatT(3).

There they saw, themselves invisible, the house of the
brahmana, its men careworn, women with weeping faces,
servants cheerless, painful to see, like flowers with withering
petals—all for the recent loss of its head and master.

(1) Gods and Titans.

(2) *Elgg* of Brahma, i.e., universe or system.

(3) [The lesson given to Lila by Sarasvati was of the most instructive
character. It is a peculiarity of the Jilana-body that it can function
on any plane, and. a body of the matter of any plane can be evolved from
the root of that matter in itself. It appears that a manasio Mayavi Bupa
similar to the Manomaya Deha of the D^vi was evolved for a flight
through space. Por in the Mayavi Bupa, subtle as may be the matter of
which it is composed, a sense of passing from one place to another,
however rapidly, is experienced, while in the Jnana body itself there is
no such sense of motion, "The quenchless heat" experienced in passing
near or through a forming incandescent world, and the cold radiated
from a dead one, should be noted. The "enwrapping shells" are
appearances caused by different dimensions of space. They had begun
their flight amid the archetypal worlds of the upper manasio levels,
where the great creative activities are at work, and the wars of the Oods
and Titans are waged, and they sped onwards through the lowar manasio
regions to ilie astral, dropping finally to the physical plane. A.B.]