XFIJCL VV ^JCVJU.L-'-A4-<4-^U»?JL\-/J.'»( -C^.A\ JL/ A JCIJC. AVA-ri.J,-» t-»J--JU»Jl.' iX.y

And, yet, remember that the Great Consciousness imag-
ines all things equally. As within limited times and spaces,
the weaker individual consciousnesses follow unresistingly the
lead of the more powerful, even as thin streaks and lines of
air are driven along by the torrent-mass of the cyclone, so the
Great Consciousness of the One Self directs the entire movement
of the whole World-Process. That All-guiding Consciousness is
One, and everywhere unbroken, throughout the endless universe,
wherein the worlds arise and disappear without beginning and
without an end, like seed and plant in never-closed rotation.

We have looked outwards for so long, we have almost
forgotten that there is an inner ; and very difficult is it now,
for us, to realise that both the outer and the inner are maintained^
supported, nay, in very truth, created, by our Consciousness.
Ponder long and deeply on the unbroken nature of Consciousness.
Even in a single human being, although we may for certain
purposes distinguish layers and different constituents, yet, m
the deepest sense, the whole nature of man is one. Even as
there is no difference between Chid-Atma (Universal Self and
Consciousness) and the individual Jiv-atma, so is there none
between a Jiva and its Chitta (mind). And even as there is no
separateness and difference between the Jiva and its Chitta, so
is there none between the Chitta and the Deha (body). And
lastly, as there is no separateness and difference between the
mind and the body, so is there none between the body and its

•various actions. All is Consciousness,
Listen to another tale.

The Story of JKarkati; her hunger and austerities

KarkatI of the Rakshasa race dwells on the northern slopes
of the Himalaya mountains. Black and fearsome is she, as

•dire statues parvec} from the sbe^r side of a mountain' of soot