followed by harsh words, as a crack of lightning followed by a
shower of hail ; ^What wandering" worms are ye ? Are ye
wise ? For I devour you else !"

The king replied : "Seek not to frighten us with empty
sound, bufc show thyself, whoever thou art : then we shall
judge how to behave to thee."

Thereat the Rakshasi displayed her fearful lorm, that used
to strike with terror even her companion-Rakshasas. But
the pure-minded know no fear ; and the minister addressed
-her calmly :

^1 see thou wantest food ! Why then such great excite-
ment for such little cause? If thou wouldst state thy wish
more peacefully, it were more easy to fulfil it. The king
accustoms not to turn away the really needy.5 y

Then the Rakshasi reflected : ^Their faces, eyes, and
speech, show me that these two are no common men, but
knowers of the truth ; so let me question further." And she
asked aloud ; ^Tell me first who you are, and doing what,
here, at this time of night."

The minister explained and said, "We are abroad for the
restraint of such as you, from doing harm to our people."

The Rakshasi : ^0 king and minister !, prove to me that
you deserve your offices, or I shall swallow both of you
unfailingly. The Science of the Self is the highest of all
sciences, and king and minister that know it not, are not
deserving of their offices- Tell me then what is that Single
Atom in which millions of Brahmandas hide as bubbles in the
ocean ? Describe to me that which is Spaceless Space;

Thing without Substance ; I and Thou at once ; That Which
Stands Still while Ever Moving ; intensely Living- though Dead
as the rock ; a blazing Fire that is more Cold than ice ; Light
and the source of light though all Unseen ; the Light by which
all blind things, climbing creepers, sprouting ^eeds apd upward-