valent in India is betel-leaf and
cardamum, and in Europe,
cig"ar or cigarette or tea etc.).

A-sat 47, 79; a, not, sat (L.
est), ex-ist-ent; non-existent,

Ashrama 64; shrz, to rest in
or on, to lean on, shram, to
labor; where a person labors
as well as rests ; a dwelling"-
place; also a stag-e of life.
(Four stag"es are enjoined by

:the Dharma-Law, into which

.the individual life should be
divided—student, family-man,

.unremunerated honorary pub-
lic worker, anchorite.

Atma 59, 72, 75 ; (Gr. atmos,
etymon); afy to eat, aty to
wander about, af.i-~^ to go be-
yond, to transcend, ma, to
measure, mu, to prohibit, deny,
neg-ate, repudiate; the Self
which tastes and enjoys all
thing's and all experiences,
pervades all thing's, trans-
cends all also, measures and
sets limits to all thing's, and,
,at the same time, neg*ates
all things, denies the being- of
all things Other than It-Self,

^ all Not-selyes ; ^I-This-Not^

Atma-Tattva 31 ; W^ that, ?ya,
*ness' ; 'the 'thatness' of the
Self, Its Essential Nature, Its-
Being; the Principle known
as the Self.

A-vidya 26, 41 ; a, not, md, to
know (Lat. video, Eng". wit);

non-knowledge, 'non-sense),
'mar-science, mis-take, error;

the Primal Error of mistaking-
the- Not" Self, a finite material

body, for the Infinite Self;

opposite of Yidya, True
Knowledge, especially of the
Supreme Self and Its Nature.

Banclha 41 ; badh to bind ;

bond ; bondag-e.

Bhag"a-van 3 ; bhagcth^ divine
qualities, (six, eigfht, twelve,
are variously enumerated),
van, ^wn'er; one who pos-
sesses divine qualities.

Bhakfci 52; bhaj, to adore;

adoration, devotion.

Bhava 11 ; bhu, to be, bhav, to
cause to be; Shiva in his
beneficent aspect,

Brahman 41, 41 (f.n.), 67 ; ^.r/t,
to be lar^e, to exp^ni infini-
tely; the Immense Infinite
Vast ; the Supreme Self; also
the Veda as reservoir of all
the infinite knowledge of the

Brahma 11, 18 (f.n ), 20 (f.n.),
67 (f.n.), 86 (f.n.) ; the Ideator
and *Expander\ ^Spreader-out'
of a world-system; the Creator
aspect of the Trinity.

Brahm-anda 63, 67 (f.n.) 77, 78,
92; Brahm' (Brahman), the
Infinite, Space, anda^ egg ;

eg^g", globe, orb, of Space ; star,
planet, etc.

Brahmana 2 ; a person who has
realised Brahman, the Supreme
Infinite Self, and knows the

• .Science of that Infinite; a
holy man ; a man of a learned

Brahm'-nadT, Brahm'-nerve, 87;

the Sushumna-nerve, (q-v.)
along" which, yog'is are said to
^pass oa to Moksha or Nirvaoa..