desire, wish, comes true.
Satya-samkalpa 64, 65, 72;

one whose will-and-idea, idea"
tion, realises itself, becomes
realised, comes true.
Satfcvika 28, 29 ; of the sattva
quality of enlightened rational
and virtuous intelligence, (as
distinguished from rajasa and
famasa, restless and passion-
Siddha 11, 62, 77; see sadhu ;

one who has achieved super-
physical powers.
Shama 29, 31, 32, 35 f.n. ;

sham, to become quiet, to
calm down ; reposefulness,
tranquillity, serenity, placidity
of mind.
Shanta 33 ; one who has gained

shama (q.v.).
Shanti 41 ; same as shama;


Shaphari 53 ; a variety of small

Shastra 17, 52 f.n., 79.
Shiva 43; sh^ to sleep; the
God who sleeps within the
heart of all; corresponding" to
the Jcdrana-'sharira or 'causal
body', wherein lie dormant all
vdsands (q.v.), desires, ins-
tincts, passions, all the con-
tents of the un-, sub", supra-
conscious, which are the
motive-forces that move souls
and worlds ; in the aspect of
beneficent desires and passions,
the third God of the Great
Trinity is named Shiva; in
that of maleficent and des-
tructive forces, Rudra or Hara.
(q.v.). This is why Shiva"

Rudra (also his feminine aspect*
Gauri-Kali) is tamasa ; tamas
is desire.

Shunya 42 ; emptiness, vacuum;

Space ; cipher, zero.

Shunya-vadi 42 ; vad, to speak ;

one who says that Shunya,
Vacuum, Nothingness, is the

Shfira 68.

Smrti 26 ; smr, to remember ;

'memory'; book of laws, 're-
membered' by Manu and the

Sthula 45 ; larg-e, heavy, fat,
gross, dense.

Suchika 86 f.n.

Sukshma 45 ; subtle, small,
thin, fine.

Sushumna 87 ; some nerve (?)
runnings from the lower end of
the spinal column to the top
of the skull. (See Brahm'-
nan and Brahm'-randhra).

Svayam-bhu 19 ; svayam,
oneself, bhu^ to be ; the Self-
born Brahma.

Sva-bhava 78 f.n. ; S'oa, Self,
bhu, to be.

Tamas 41 ; one of the trinity
of primal gunas ; darkness
(external as well as internal),
inertia, mental confusion, in-
fatuation, error, a-vidya (q. v.).

Tanha 5 f.n.

Tapas 25, 51, 86 f.n. ; tap, to
be hot, to §"low (with a noble
resolve), to perform ascetic
penances ; asceticism, aus-

Tapasya, 28 ; same as fapas.

Tejas 2 ; lustre ; heat; radiant
aura of abundant opposition-