something' separate, in manner at all different from the Great Plan of the Creator as manifested in the Cycling of the World-Process. ^To gain this peace of mind, learn the true nature of Bondage and Deliverance. Samsara(1) is divided into two great halves, triune Subject and triple Object, Knower-De- sirer-Actor and Known-Desired-Acted-on. Pleasures and pains arise from incessant intermixtures of these two. The existence of the Known is the bondage of the Knower. Its non-existence, by legation', is the true deliverance of the latter. So long as the Seer believes that the Seen is real and independent of the Seer, so long" shall the Seer's pains and pleasures too be real. Understand that the object-world is all illusive; thou shalt then understand that the subject-world of endless experiences, painful and pleasureable, is also all illusive. Realise that the object-world is Not-Other-than-Self, is Naught-Else than the Ideation of the Self, is nothing independent of the Self; thou shalt then also realise that pains and pleasures are not any- thing in essence other than creations of thine own Will-and- Imagination, not imposed on thee by anything outside thyself. ^How then may the Seen cease to be ? If it exists, how can it ever pass out of existence ? And if it has no being in reality, how came it then into existence ? We see that the Seen is, palpably. It is not wholly non-existent. Also it is always disappearing. From existence it passes into non- existence, and from the latter it emerges back into the former. They say that the non-existent has no existence, and the existent no non-existence. Yet everywhere around us we see this assumed law broken every moment, for Change, every (1) The manifested universe, the World-Piocess; etymologicall-y^ *thai which is moving perpetually.*