.-..AA^AAV^ Xi-A.C'.C/JKJLJttJN L-EŁ> to limitations, thinking", 'I am this piece of earth, this mass of matter, or this, or this.5 'But tell me, Master !, how may there be any birth from Vacancy alone ? How are born, or are not born, earth, and air, and fire, and all the others ?' So Death asked of Yama, and he made answer : 'He is not born at all, never was He unborn, nor ever shall cease to be (1). All possible ;" things are but parts of His Consciousness, downwards from that Mount of Lig"ht(2), which to our sig-ht arises first after the sleep of Maha-pralaya.(3) And as a part may not overpower the whole, so canst thou not conquer Him.' Mrtyu heard this with surprise, and, smileless, went to bis abode." Rama said : "It seems to me, 0 Sag'e !; that thou hast been describing' unto me Brahma Himself, the Great Father of all things, the Cosmic Mind, the Self-born and the Unborn." "Truly so, 0 Rama t, and about Him Mrtyu disputed with Yama at the end of a Manvantara, and was thus instructed by him. ^As the castle in the air, as theicity of dream-fancies, so verily is all the Seen. . The Seer and the Seen have no true being of their own, apart from the being of Param-afma, Imagination is the Mind and the Mind is Brahma," CHAPTER III Recurring Questions Rama asked ; ^Tell me clearly, 0 Sag'e !, what the form is of the Mind from which these chains of worlds are spun," (1) Ha is but the manifested Mind of the Logos out-breat had and in-breathed but never beginning nor oeasing to be. - (2) The Fire-mist, nebxiloTis-mass of radiant matter, the central sun of any particular oosmio system of any gcade. (3) G-reat Dissolution..