-t-r MYSTIC EXPERIENCES Param-atma (I). That fathomless [Ocean of Consciousness wherein the ever-rlimited world is ever-denied (3), is lost, is naught, that is the nature of Param-atma; wherein the complex relations of Seer and Seen, appearing" to be, arc yet in reality not; wherein are all these crowded worlds but which is empty still; which thoug-h composed of Chit is yet like a vast dead rock—such are the Form and the Nature of that Param-atma.^ Rama; ^How may I understand that that Param-atma is, and that these worlds are not ?" Vasishtha : ^He who understands that the world is an illusion, just as much as the colour of blue which appears to belong" to the emptiness of space is an illusion, he has in truth understood the nature of the Supreme/5 Rama: "Thy words, 0 Sag"e !, are as if one should say that the Mountain of M6ru lay contained in a grain of mustard. How may I create within myself the belief that al] this solid world is non-existent ?" Vasishtha: "By long- continued stress of imaginative . thoug'ht has this solidity thou speakest of arisen. And as it has arisen, so also and so only may it disappear, as it has disappeared for those we know as Jivan-muktas and Vid^ba-mukfas. Surely thou belie vest that such are ?" Rama : "Tell me the character of each, 0 Brahmana I" (1) It is the Omnipresence of the Self which alone readers the appearance, the illusion, of flight possible. (2) The Nature, the Porm, the Essence, the Character, tpie Sva- bhaTa, the Prakrti» (as we may like to call it), of the Principle of Oonroiousness, Universal Oonsoionaness, the Supreme Self (which is and includes all individualised, particularised, singularised, embodied, ensheathed selves), is "I-This-Not", an eternal Negation, by the I, of the This, of Obher-than-I, simultaneously with Affirmation, sup-position, ideation, imagination, of it, without which, Negation were impossible. See TJi* Scimci of Peace, or TTzff Science of T'he Self, for full explanation. -