THE WORLD-ILLUSION AND THE REAL SELF 67 hers, and pointed them out to the Goddess one by one. Then they went back to the house, and LTia, with her now enlightened eye, saw how the whole of the Padma-world was situate in a small part of that house-space, and said to the D4vi : "Let us go back there." Then they returned to that other Brahmanda,(1) going- through the same long journey they had come, beholding again the wonders of space and feeling its endless expanse which, as SarasvatI said, Gods higher than herself, Vishnu and Hara and others, could not measure, if they rushed through it all their life long. Here Rama asked Vasishtha how such remoteness in space could be at the same time with such nearness ; and Vasishtha told him to consider how in dreams men with their bodies lying in one place still wandered over many lands and seas. And therewith he returned to the story of LTla. Vasishtha continued : Returning to the Padma-world, the two saw Lila's Chitta- body(2) sitting silent by the side of Padma's body resting on the fragrant flowers amidst the incense-scented air of the great palace-room. Seeing that body and her own Chitta- body, LTla thought she would now visit again that other world to which her husband had gone after leaving his Padma-form. And with the thought she passed, in her Sankalpa-deha, (ideation-body), into that world, after piercing through the shells of that third Brahmanda as before. SarasvatI went with her. Arriving there within her husband's country, she saw a great battle impending" between two vast armies, arrayed in a (1) '"Egg of Brahman, the Infinite*, *orb of space', globe, world. (2) Ohitta is distinct from Ohit, and the word is used ordinarily for the mind with its three functions of knowing, desiring, and acting. ItH practically the Jiva or Soul. • It is never applied to Brahman, as is Ohit. As Brahman is to Brahma so Ohit is to Ohitta, imiversal to mdividnal