yU MXaTlU E^.EKl.Kr^Ey . KarkatT. Brahma gave assent, and came into the view of KarkatT, and said : ^Ask, daughter, for the thing" that thou desirest.'* Reduced to the merest of the subtlest streak of the Jiva-Consciousness, devoid of organs, she could make no answer, and only thought within herself: "What do I want, I, who feel the fulness of the Self? I want no boons. I know all there is to be known ; my doubts are fled ; I stand in perfect peace;. likes and dislikes have disappeared; All is as One to me." Rejoicing at her mood, the Lord of Creatures said : <( 'Tis well that All is the Limit-less One to thee, my daughter ! Thou desirest neither to accept nor to reject. Then let the laws of Limit-ful Nature take tt?eir course. The Tapas-Karma thou hast done requires a consequence. So live some further time upon the earth, in thine old great frame, developing it anew from this thy present tininess, as forest-giants grow from subtle seeds., But having seen the Truth, thou couldst not take to evil ways again, and cause the innocent to suffer. So I ordain that for thy sustenance thou shalt feed only on the sinful and impure. When thou hast thus exhausted all thy karma, and lived, a Jlvan"mukta(1), through thy life, then shall thou go to. the Abode of Bliss." With this He disappeared ; and in a moment Knrkati passed back from the size of a sunbeam-mote, to seed, span, cubit, human stature, towering tree, and finally to that of a giant mountain-peak again. CHAPTER X The Question of the RaJcshasi A touch of pleasure passed into her illumined mind at the- regaining of her former frame ; but in a moment she threw off the insidiously-reviving pride of Rakshasa-hood, and passed^ (1) Free while still-living tn the body. See p. 46 supra.